Chapter 7; Megalopolis

Megalopolis vs. San Francisco
The urban elements that characterize Megalopolis, are very similar to those of San Francisco. Both are human-dominated lands, that have extrapolated most resources from the environment, and are now capitalizing on the financial sector. Both areas have a large amount of the workforce in the tertiary and quaternary sectors. Megalopolis is a conglomeration of various large cities, while San Francisco is a single city, separated from the largest city in its state, Los Angeles by land.

New York skyline (

San Francisco skyline (

Since the areas both have populations that are very dense, they have modernized, effective, and heavily used public transportation systems. Both cities represent the smart growth model, which characterizes urban metropolises, with TOD's, multi-use building patterns, and little sprawl. New York is separated into five boroughs however, while San Francisco's population is concentrated in one location. San Francisco is more effective in its sustainability practices, as New York has a serious garbage disposal problem, has more sprawl to its surrounding scenic areas, and the need for green building has been approached mildly. However, both cities are excellent examples of a sustainable future overall.

New York City subway map (
San Francisco muni map (

"Weather in mid-latitude Megalopolis is humid in the summer; winter varies from cold in the north to mild in the south. Winds blowing from the west minimize the ocean's influence." (158, Mayda) In contrast, San Francisco summers are much milder, and the hottest temperatures arise due to the mountains or hill blocking wind. Snowstorms never occur, however, as temperatures never get as cold as in Megalopolis.

The economies of San Francisco and Megalopolis are almost identical. Both are world-renowned financial centers, but New York is larger in its scale and influence. Megalopolis is a technopole, a technological industry center, due to its local universities, Harvard, MIT, and others. San Francisco is one as well, due to nearby Silicon Valley. Tourism is a very present factor in both locales, though two very different experiences are offered.

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