Chapter 17; Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest is a neighbor of San Francisco and has many of the same topographic, geographic, and climatic qualities. For this post, I will focus on their similarities.

Pacific Northwestern landscape ( )

Puget Sound Islands ( )

Geography & Climate

Both the Pacific Northwest and San Francisco have watersheds that shape the geography, climate, economy, and cultural characteristics of both areas. The Pacific Northwest is connected to water much like San Francisco is. The region is circumscribed by the Pacific Ocean to the west. San Francisco is perhaps more surrounded by water than the Pacific Northwest. To the East of the Pacific Northwest, there is the Rocky Mountains. The regions climate and temperature ranges very affected by the many mountain ranges including:  Coast Mountains, the Cascade Range, the Olympic Mountains, and the Columbia Mountains. Like the region, San Francisco is also directly affected by mountain ranges: Berkeley Hills, San Leandro Hills,Marin County's Mount Tamalpais,  and The Diablo Range (Contra Costa County's Mount Diablo &Alameda County's Mission Peak, Santa Clara County's Mount Hamilton). The climate of the Pacific Northwest is an oceanic marine coast climate between mountain ranges and in coastal areas, much like in San Francisco. An alpine climate exists in the highest mountain ranges. Some areas of the Pacific Northwest are Mediterranean climate, like much of San Francisco.

Mt. Rainier in the Pacific Northwest (
San Francisco Peaks ( )

Both areas are forward seeking and progressive in terms of their environmental outlook. Both Seattle and San Francisco have drafted detailed and effective plans for sustainability.

Here is a link to Sustainable Seattle, Seattle's sustainability:

Here is a link to Sustainable City, San Francisco's website: & San Francisco environment:

Sustainable Seattle has encouraged residents to beautify their homes while improving the air quality of their city. (

Like Seattle, San Francisco has encouraged its residents to seek green alternatives to seek means of living a greener lifestyle, and here, suggests modes of using renewable energy:

Both regions are encouraging sustainable business.

Sustainable Transportation

Northwestern Seattle's Efficient Transportation System

San Francisco's Efficient Transportation System

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